Black Friday: Things I Didn't Buy
Here is the list:
- Any Macbook Pros - Too expensive, lack of NVIDIA GPU, Fear of the Touchbar.
- Lightroom CC - No supported platform available at home. No time to play either.
- Windows 10 - Too far away from my terminal-centric world.
- A DSLR or Lenses - Without Lightroom CC it'd be pointless.
- Nintendo Switch - No time to play.
- Kindle Oasis - Not in the Kindle ecosystem.
- A Baby Mattress - Planning to switch the crib in a few months.
- An Oven Toaster - Not useful-looking enough to justify the space it'll occupy.
Does this mean I'm a smart buyer with great willpower? No way. I just buy what I want without waiting these huge sale seasons. (And buying stuff just because it's cheap feels silly to me, but I don't argue.)
Regardless, pondering about spending money is stressing and fun at the same time. That's what shopping is all about.