Paying a Careless Tax - WA, #1

Yuko pointed out that I lost our baby stroller. Apparently I lost it at the end of our Japan trip last month. I remember that I received it at the baggage area of the airport, but I don't remember anything after that. Probably it was left in a shuttle or somewhere.

The stroller was relatively expensive one, about $400. So this loss costs as such. I paid the Careless Tax.

I often lose things, especially during a trip, or while I'm doing something out of my regular routine. I lose things so often that I once feared that I might eventually lose everything I have - My job, my friends or my family, due to my profound carelessness.

This was very dreadful thought but I couldn't stop pomdering. After some depressing nights with this ridiculous fear, I devised as an ridiculous idea. The notion of the Careless Tax.

Instead of thinking about losing stuff, I interpret it as a tax. A tax that careless person has to pay. It is unavoidable to pay if it's a tax. And for a careless person like me, it is actually unavoidable to lose belongings. You aren't careless if you can prevent it, which is almost by definition. I have felt it unreasonble and even unfair how often I lose stuff. But it makes sense presuming it being a tax.

Since then, this notion of "Careless Tax" has given me a tiny piece of mind. It is less scary to think about me keep paying this expensive tax, than imagining about me losing everything. I can even be pround of myself as a high tax payer!

Well, that's clearly an overstep. I'm just an inherently careless person and it costs a lot, not of irreplaceable belongings, but of money. Tiny consolation, isn't it?